Thursday, May 22, 2008

Learning Something New Every Day

Middle child completed his last year of preschool this week, and I went to his end-of-year celebration fully expecting to come out of it a sobbing, blithering wreck. This did not happen.

It threatened to happen -- the kids have been learning bell-ringing all year and their big finale at the celebration was "Friends Forever" by Michael W. Smith, which always chokes me up, no matter how it's played. If you hummed it loud enough I'd probably have tears in my eyes by the second chorus. Anyway, I was getting a little dewy around the eyes already when they put on the DVD of the preschool year -- a big retrospective of pictures set to music which has, in the past, been responsible for my rather embarrassing display of emotion. But this year, the pictures were set to such cool, peppy music, I found it impossible to cry.

The artist was a fusion of Paul Simon, James Taylor and REM and the music was funny, quirky, totally kid appropriate and kid accessible (my baby loves the whale song) yet so adult in its listenability (not a word, I know, but I can't think of a better one). I have a clear tolerance for Raffi (about 1 hour) and the Wiggles make me uncomfortable (they're just so....odd) so here are two very good videos by Justin Roberts. This guy rocks.

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