Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

5 things about Me:

1. I used to collect recipes that looked interesting or fun. Now my standard for recipe collection is what percentage of the family will mutiny if I cook it.

2. I do an excellent Sybil Fawlty impersonation. Oddly, there is very little call for this in my everyday life.

3. I am very good at yelling. Especially in traffic. You can check with my kids on this one if you need verification.

4. All those years ago, when I told my algebra teacher that I knew FOR SURE I would not need algebra in my future life? I was right.

5. Being a mom is hands-down the hardest job I have ever done. A room full of surly 17 year olds doing a read-through of Macbeth is a cake walk next to this mom gig.

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