Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why I Love PBS

Our local PBS station is about to embark on its annual pledge drive and the program guide reminds us to "Tune in for another year of live quilting thrills!" Oh yes. I will definitely be watching that. Needle in, needle out, red square to yellow diamond, pin the facing sides -- I'm all a-tingle.

My 6 year old wanted to know if she could stay up during the pledge drive (which around here is called Festival! 'cause there's nothing that says party like begging people for money) to watch Daniel O'Donnell performing Home in Ireland, a program I am almost certain has a demographic of 60-80 year olds. I have got to start cutting back on her t.v. watching. Either that or we've got to get cable so she can watch Hannah Montana like normal kids.

Still, it would make a nice change from the countless Dora the Explorer videos I've had to endure.

Surfing today while the munchkin naps. Visited Pioneer Woman Cooks! and gained weight just from reading the recipes. I am feeling mildly inspired to make something new which the kids will refuse to eat (as opposed to all the stuff I already make which they refuse to eat). Inspired enough to venture out in the snow to the grocery store? Not really. But I think I'll add a few things to my shopping list and give them a try next week sometime.

It's snowing again. Still trying to remember why I live here.

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