Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Still Short

So I crunched all the numbers and even if I add in what I think my hub's bonus will be this year, we would still come up about 5000 short of being able to complete an adoption. Is this a deal breaker? I'm not sure.

I have, in the past, gotten the odd freelance assignment that brought in 5 grand in one throw, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that I could get one or more projects that would make up the difference needed.

Also, by some smallish miracle, we appear to be about 400 ahead this month, so perhaps with a little focused belt-tightening over the next year, we could just stash that much away.

Or we could just trust God to provide, somehow, through any and all of these means and any other brilliant tricks He might have up His sleeve.

I'm kind of in the "trust God" camp, because all of it is a big "if" and none of it would be in my actual control anyway.

I am so tired of watching children's files get returned because no family could be found for them.

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