Friday, October 28, 2011

Why "I Are Unhappy" is not an Excuse to Go Off on Anyone

Let's catch up, shall we?

I was having this difficult week....with a difficult person....who I usually ignore...but who was all up in my bidness and not going away....and I was mad.

Although I really wanted to have a little temper tantrum, or a little confrontation, or a little something in which my feelings were allowed some aeration, I did not give in to temptation. This is somewhat remarkable because when I feel like I'm gonna blow, I usually do. However, I was able to LET IT GO.

When next I saw this person, I was calm, gracious, understated. It didn't hurt that I was suffering from a massive head cold and felt like death warmed over. Nothing like a little illness to mute your more strident personality facets.

And now.....oh, now....I am so glad I did what I did. Because do you know what I found out? This person, the one who occasionally drives me straight to the edge of a cliff, was operating under some very similar demons. In fact, this whole shebang turns out to be not this person's fault at all.

Now what would have happened if I'd gone all medieval on someone? I would be a supreme jerk, that's what. And let's be clear here -- sometimes I am a supreme jerk. I have the robe and everything. But this time I LET IT GO. And beyond the satisfaction of being a grown up about something, I got the further satisfaction of discovering that being a grown up saved my heinie.

Turns out that The Person was being driven straight up the crazy tree by an ultra-controlling parent. And we all know that some parents can get involved in things that are none of their business and really mess them up. And that was the case here. All the fol-de-rol-lol was due to some extreme parental immaturity and meddling.

So here's the whole thing in a nutshell: I did the right thing and everyone benefitted.

Cue the angels singing, please....

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