My youngest has developed some sort of mommy-radar that tells her when I'm trying to take a shower. This is her signal to levitate, from wherever she is in the house, to the space right outside my bedroom door and commence screaming and crying. And not just garden-variety screaming and crying, it's rabbit-being-torn-apart-by-wild-dogs screaming. She seriously sounds like someone is skinning her.
It would be more heart-rending if it hadn't happened every morning for the last 5 days.
She does seem genuinely upset, and clings to me like velcro when I finally open my door. I have tried being callous, just letting her wail on and on, occasionally drowning her out with the blow-dryer, but I can't do it indefinitely.
So today I went to Target and bought a Wonder Pets DVD in hopes that I can get just enough time for a shower tomorrow. I figure if it works, the allure ought to last for about a week, so I am basically paying $12.99 for a week's worth of showers. And I'm both bribing my toddler and getting her to watch more TV at the same time. Talk about your Faustian bargains....
But hey, I gotta have nice hair.
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