I love this mug.
I know it's ugly, but it holds almost 24 ounces of Hot Liquid Kick-in-the-Pants, otherwise known as coffee. It's the reason I am able to function in the morning. It's also the reason I am able to function in the afternoon. It is occasionally the reason I don't go to bed before 11 p.m., though usually I am pretty responsible about my caffeine intake. For instance, if I somehow get sidetracked and can't get my afternoon whoopdeedo until after 3:30, I usually forego it entirely to be sure I won't be spending the evening with Conan and Craig.
Today I was determined not to cave in to that desperate need for a pick-me-up at 2 p.m. Caffeine, I reasoned, should not be necessary in the afternoon if I can find some way to keep myself occupied. I guess I was hoping to distract myself from needing it.
I failed.
And I actually tried the best distraction of all -- I napped. I mean, sleep should cancel out my need for something to cancel out my need for sleep, right?
So I had a nap and a big cuppa joe, and now I will most probably find myself reading at 11:29 p.m. instead of blissfully dreaming. It's a vicious cycle, really. The only way I see to break it is to go away for a week and actually get the sleep I need. Naturally I will have to go without the kids.
I think I can handle that.
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