Wherefore art thou so dang expensive?

My baby went to preschool today and I took advantage of my 2.25 hours of childfree time to wander through Pottery Barn. I asked a quick question about a sofa, which developed into a whole conversation, which ended with an estimate sheet detailing the exactly perfect sofa for our family room to replace the hideous mostrosity currently residing there.
Unfortunately, that estimate was for $1900. But I could have it by October 14th.....for $1900.

Not long ago, I saw some home guru on GMA or the Today Show talking about great style at affordable prices and the top pick for "affordable" was Pottery Barn. You know, with their $2000 sofas. Here's a funny thing -- the armchair that matches the sofa I am in love with costs $1100. In fact, the whole grouping I saw this morning would cost about $6000, not including throws, extra pillows and assorted tchochkes. For one room.

The heck of it is, they really do have great style. Their rooms look pulled together without being matchy-matchy. They look inviting and indeed, they are inviting. Just go to a Pottery Barn store and try to walk through it without touching anything. These places are full of beautiful colors and luscious textures that just beg you to run your hand over them. Sheepskin, chenille, pickstitching, organic cotton, sculpted metal, nubby baskets, seagrass....it's a feast for the senses. If they'd install a coffee bar, I'd probably move in.
So what, if you're trying to have great style but you have more like a Target income, are you supposed to do?
It's very, very depressing.
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