A whole lotta nasty goodness. And these little babies are all that and more. I got this recipe/idea from Bakerella, who is the goddess of these little yummies. Mine aren't quite as polished looking as hers, but this was my first attempt. Even still, the dipping was easier than I expected and it was a very do-able project, if a little time consuming. The results made it absolutely worth it. You eat these rich little treats and you just know that they are bad for your waistline, arteries, overburdened pancreas, whatever...and you just don't care.
That's how good they are.
These were for my daughter's 7th birthday in lieu of the traditional cake. They were a lifesaver because she didn't have a "theme" for her birthday this year, other than kind of a loose Hannah Montana/I want to be a Rock Star/Libby Lu vibe that she was trying to convey. We could have gone with the edible cake topper thing, but I didn't find Miley Cyrus on a cake all that appetizing. We went this route instead and YUM I am glad we did.

Even though the whole dipping process (and the cake making/altering) took about 3 hours, it was so fun to do something creative like this. Everybody at both parties (kid and family) clamored for more and my husband is trying to hoard the 5 leftover pops for himself.
In other news, my 7 year old took a couple friends to Libby Lu for her birthday and got all dolled-up (to the tune of $25 per kid -- how do people afford whole parties of this stuff? Three kids nearly broke me.) and here's a picture of her in all her glory. Note the world-weary it's-another-day-of-glamour look on her face. It's so hard to be famous.
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