Monday, November 26, 2007

R & R

Went to Kansas City this past weekend because we'd planned a trip there nearly 6 months ago and had non-refundable tickets to the Raiders-Chiefs game. The idea was that the men would go to the game and the women would shop.

As it turned out, some of us shopped, though not as much as we'd liked to have done. The kids swam in the hotel pool Saturday night and we had a splendid dinner at Jack Stack Barbeque (and I am still having indecent thoughts about the crown prime ribs I had...sooo good). Maggie and I survived being separated from each other for 40 hours (she stayed at home with Grandma) and in general, a good time was had by all.

On the face of it, it seems irresponsible to run away for the weekend when we're moving this Friday and I am not even slightly organized or ready, but it felt really good to just not be here; all the stuff that torments me at night and makes me hyperventilate during the day melted into the background and I felt more relaxed than I have for a long, long time.

My sister and I did some painting in the new house on Friday and that felt good, too. Sort of like claiming the space as my own. We have a long way to go, but I feel more like we're going to get there without me needing to be committed.

My task now is to survive the actual move and all the attendant craziness and upheaval. I may never find anything again once we're actually moved -- I've had to chuck stuff in boxes and cram things in willy-nilly just to get the house show-ready, so now I have only a very hazy idea of where a lot of things are. The process will be complete this weekend when it all gets shifted to the new house.

First road trip of the new year will be to the closest IKEA for some storage shelves to corral the toys.

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