Isn't she lovely? She's one now. Immediately after this picture was taken, she tried to eat the daisy.
Other things that have happened since last I blathered uncontrollably in cyberspace: beautiful Maggie's birthday party(the theme was daisies), the release of the 7th Harry Potter, and the consequent total stoppage of all work so that we could read said book. Also, Grant learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Amazing, but true. There's a picture below of him doing just that.
Really amazing when you consider that he just turned four. This picture was taken about 3 weeks after his 4th birthday. We're pretty sure he could have done it before his birthday, but his father didn't want him to ride Abby Kate's old (very pink) bike.
His mother (me), however, has no such scruples, and in full view of Dad, Dad's buddy Jon, and assorted neighbors, plopped the boy on the pink bike for a test run. On the first pass, Tim had to help him stop. On the second pass, he taught himself to stop. On the 3rd pass, he figured out how to start himself and that was that, lesson over. Twenty minutes later he was doing donuts in the neighbor's driveway. Since I can't take credit for teaching him, I am taking credit for mothering an athletic prodigy.

We are looking at another house today. I am mildly excited about it, only because it's not, so far as we can tell from the internet information, covered in either a)wallpaper or b)purple paint, nor does it appear to have the hull of a large fishing trawler poking through the ceiling in the basment (one house we looked at did -- it was actually a girder, but it looked more like a ship had run aground upstairs. That, or the house was collapsing. We had to duck to walk under it. The charm of the place -- you've no idea). Anyway, this one has a nice overall square footage, so we'll have to see what egregious flaws it's hiding in the rooms they don't show you on the realty website. I have learned not to expect too much on these little outings.
Abby Kate turns 6 this weekend and we're throwing a Tropical Minnie Mouse party (she comes up with these ideas and then I have to execute them somehow. Yeesh!). We're expecting 5 little girls here on Saturday. Pray it doesn't rain or they'll all have to be inside.
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